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钓鱼的英文翻译 钓鱼英文怎幺说 钓鱼的英文例句




    to fish (with line and hook)
    to dupe

fish [fiʃ]

    n.鱼,鱼肉,鱼类,接合板 vt.钓,钓鱼,查出,用接合板连接 vi.捕鱼,钓鱼,用钩捞取,间接探听,拉摸索寻找

line [lain]

    n.绳,索,线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺...排列,划线于,使有线条,使起皱纹 vi.排队

hook [huk]

    n.钩,吊钩 v.钩住,沉迷,上瘾

dupe [dju:p; (-) du:p]

    n.易受骗的人,易受愚弄的人 vt.欺骗,愚弄 n.vt.(=duplicate)


他赢得了新罕布夏钓鱼年度大赛的一等奖。He won first prize in the annual new hampshire fishing derby.我父亲住在雅茅斯时喜欢钓鱼。My father took to fishing while he lived in yarmouth.我喜欢在周日的早晨去钓鱼。I like fishing on sunday mornings.西雅图钓鱼是同义的…Fishing is synonymous with seattle...现在时态“洛克说他喜欢钓鱼。Present tense. "Lok says he likes fishing".曳绳钓鱼用曳绳约鱼的行为The act of trolling for fish.一个雨水形成的约5釐米深的小水洼里钓鱼。Fishing in a small pool of rain-water about five centimetres deep outside it.一群一无所获的钓鱼者。An unrewarded band of anglers.一位商人去钓鱼,看见那只美洲狮在树上。And a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.


假蝇钓鱼竿 fly rod

加固钓鱼丝 gimp

竿钓鱼船 n. pole and line fishing boat

羽绒钓鱼衣 down fishing jacket

自动钓鱼机 automatic fishing machine

钓鱼 fish in; gentle art

钓鱼丝 snood

钓鱼区 fishing center

钓鱼塘 fishing pond

钓鱼岛石 diaoyudaoite

钓鱼用具 fishing tackle

钓鱼竹杆 bamboo fishing pole

钓鱼竿 fishing rod

钓鱼线 fishing line fish twine

钓鱼背心 angling vest

钓鱼茄克 angling jacket

钓鱼衣 fishing jacket

钓鱼钩 fish hook

长线钓鱼船 n. long liner

