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调色的英文翻译 调色英文怎幺说 调色的英文例句




    to blend colors
    to mix colors

blend [blend]

    vt.混和 n.混和



mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合


轮廓调色剂适合于任何年龄,任何体形,The profile toner is great for any age and body type...你可以用调色刀直接将颜料涂到画布上。You can use the palette knife to apply paint directly to the canvas.是商业影印机专用的调色剂A toner made exclusively for commercial copy machines.他提起画笔和调色板。He picked his brushes and palette.我叫她们把影印机的调色剂(紧肤水)换了I asked them to change that toner in the copier.通过使用物理调色板中与索引1关联的颜色来填充目的地区域。The destination area is filled by using the color associated with index1in the physical palette.我的调色盘里有各种颜色。My palette has all kinds of colors.无法切换到新调色板。Unable to switch to new palette.用电荷在纸上沉澱调色剂的印表机。A printer that uses an electric charge to deposit toner on paper.这就叫用调色刀画画It's called painting with a palette knife.指定windows调色板资料格式。Specifies the windows palette data format.


分层调色法 hill toning

明矾海波调色法 alum-hypo toning

染料调色法 dye toning

海波明矾调色法 hypo-alum toning

深棕色调色法 sepia toning

硫化物调色法 sulphide toning

硫黄调色法 suphur toning

绘画用调色板 palette for painter

色澱及有机调色剂 color lake & toner

调色 color blending; colour mixer

调色刀 palette knife

调色剂 toner

调色定影液 toning bath

调色机 colour mixer

调色板 palette

调色盅 palette cup

调色盐 toning salt

调色盒 painting box

调色锅 colour boiling pan colour mixing pan

铀盐调色 uranium toning

