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调遣的英文翻译 调遣英文怎幺说 调遣的英文例句




    to dispatch
    to assign
    a dispatch

dispatch [di'spætʃ]

    vt.分派,派遣 n.派遣,急件

assign [ә'sain]

    vt.分配,指派 v.赋值 [计] 将驱动器符重定向至第二个驱动器符


调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.统帅部正在调遣部队进入攻击发动地带。The high command was jockeying its force into place for attack.你如何调遣那些年龄足以做你父亲的人?。How do you tell off someone who is old enough to be your father?他们的地面部队能够调遣和侦察而无遭空袭之虞。Their ground forces were able to manoeuvre and reconnoitre without any danger of air attack.调遣,换防陆上部队或海上部队所作的战略或战术移动A strategic or tactical military or naval movement.有四辆无记号的车在听候调遣Got four unmarked vehicles standing by.


供他们调遣 put somthing at their service

供他调遣 put somthing at his service

供你们调遣 put somthing at your service

供她调遣 put somthing at her service

供我们调遣 put somthing at our service

供我调遣 put somthing at my service

调遣 dispatch

