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同工的英文翻译 同工英文怎幺说 同工的英文例句



[tóng gōng]

    fellow workers

fellow [felәu]

    n.人,家伙,伙伴,学会特别会员,朋友,同事 adj.同伴的,同事的,同道的

workers ['wə:kəz]



你们的项目包括徵求建议书中详细说明的大量的合同工作。Your project involves a substantial amount of contract work detailed in the rfp.与我同工的提摩太,和我的亲属路求,耶孙,所西巴德,问你们安。Timotheus my workfellow and lucius and jason and sosipater my kinsmen salute you.


不同工业内同行业的职工工会 horizontal union

共同工作者 workmate

共同工作範围 range of combination work液力元件输入特性与动力机允许工作範围所形成的区域。

分包合同工程 subcontracted work

协同工作 team work

合同工 contractual workers; bound labor; contract labor

合同工制度 contract labor system

合同工资 accord wages; type wages

同工 tRNA isoacceptor tRNA

同工作有关的管理活动 work-related activities

同工同酬 equal pay for equal work

同工同酬原则 principle of equal pay for equal work

同工同酬的权利 right to equal pay for equal work

同工激素 isohormone

同工种竞赛 emulation among workers of the same type of work

同工蛋白质 isoprotein

同工酶 isozyme同功异构酶

男女同工同酬 men and women get equal pay for equal work; men and women get the same pay for equal work; equal remuneration for men and women for equal work

男女同工同酬原则 the principle of men and women getting equal pay for equal work

电脑支援协同工作 computer supported cooperative work, CSCW

