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同犯的英文翻译 同犯英文怎幺说 同犯的英文例句



[tóng fàn]

    Pal;particeps criminis

pal [pæl]

    n.好朋友,伙伴,同志;vi.结为朋友;Phase Alternating Line,PAL制式(逐行倒相制式)


“他的住处,介绍我给他同犯”"His main hangout and introduced me to his gang."第一节主要考察了英美法系和大陆法系几个主要国家的立法和法学理论界对共同犯罪概念的界定问题。The first section examines the anglo-american system of law and the continental system of law.


事前无通谋的共同犯罪 nonpremeditated joint crime

事前有通谋的共同犯罪 premeditated joint crime

伙同犯 accomplice; particeps criminis

供出对同犯不利的证据 turn King''s evidence

共同犯罪 complicity; fellowship in crime; joint commission of a crime; joint offense

共同犯罪人 accomplice; complice; conspirator; joint offenders; participant in a crime; particeps criminis

共同犯罪人分类 classification of joint offenders

共同犯罪关係人 complicity in crime

共同犯罪的形式 form of complicity

共同犯罪的故意 intent of complicity

共同犯罪行为 commission of joint offense; complicity

同犯 accomplice

複杂共同犯罪 complicated joint crime

必要共同犯罪 indispensable joint crime

提供对同犯不利的证据 turn king''s evidence; turn state''s evidence

简单共同犯罪 simple joint crime

