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调转的英文翻译 调转英文怎幺说 调转的英文例句



[diào zhuǎn]

    to turn around
    to change direction
    to make a U turn

turn [tә:n]

    n.转动,旋转,转变方向,轮流,时机,(一)回,倾向,癖性 v.(使)转动,翻转,扭转,(使)变质,超过(年龄,数量等),车(成)

around [ә'raund]

    adv.周围,四周,到处,大约,左右 prep.在...周围,四处

change [tʃeindʒ]

    n.改变,变化,转变,找回的零钱,找头,辅币 vt.改变,变革,改造,兑换

direction [di'rekʃ(ә)n]


make [meik]

    vt.製造,安排,使成为,认为,产生,获得,进行,构成 vi.开始,前进,增大,被製造,被处理 n.製造,构造,性情


轮船调转般向朝海岸驶去。The ship came about and headed for the shore.会聚眼睛向内的协调转动,从而聚焦在近处的某物体上The coordinated turning of the eyes inward to focus on an object at close range.甚至在他们调转船头到达另一个浮标处时,他们仍然能听到那铁鍊发出的噹啷声。And you can hear the chains a-jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy.舵工调转船头使船顶风停下。The quarter master swung the ship into the wind and laid it by.然后他们会调转方向,固定在另一端Then they anchor the opposite end and reverse direction.通过进气调节阀可调转速后排气系统可保证砂磨面不被水、油损坏。Sanding surface is not damaged nor spoiled by oil and water due to rear exhaust system.我们试着调转船头开进海港。We had a shot at bringing the ship round into the harbour.转调通过和谐的旋律或和絃的相继进行的方式从一个基调或音调转调到另一基调或音调A passing from one key or tonality to another by means of a regular melodic or chord progression.


职工调转 transfer of staff

调转动态 klinokinesis调转动态

调转方向 turn face about

调转船头 paid round; pay round

调转趋性 klinotaxis调转趋性

