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体育课的英文翻译 体育课英文怎幺说 体育课的英文例句



[tǐyù kè]

    gym lessons;PE

gym [dʒim]

    gymnasium 体育; n.体育馆,体操

pe [pei]

    [域] Peru,秘鲁; [军] Product Engineering,产品工程 体育课,体能训练 PE(physical education)


对体育课中体育游戏教学的思考。Some thinking about physical education play teaching in the course of p.e.古希腊学校里男孩子的课程里很重要的一部分就是在体育馆内上体育课。An important part of a greek school boy's curriculum was vigorous physical training in gymnasium.今天的第一节课是体育课。The first lesson today is p.e.那是在…上体育课的时候It was during... during p.e.体育课必须穿球鞋。Have to wear sneakers for pe.体育课上我们分成一对一对地做游戏。In gym class we paired off for the game.田径运动是学校体育课程内容的组成部分吗?Is track and field part of the school physical education programme?我们过去上体育课总是能逃就逃。We always used to skive off pe lessons if we could.我们今天上体育课。We have a pe class today.我们正在上体育课。We are having a pe lesson.我们週一有体育课。We have pe on monday.我最喜欢体育课。I like the pe class best.在大学里要求所有的学生上二年体育课。All the students are requested to take the physical training course for two years in the university.

