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    to poke through

poke [pәuk]

    n.刺,戳,懒汉,袋子 vt.戳,捅,拨开,刺 vi.戳,刺,捅,伸出,刺探,闲蕩

through [θru:]

    prep.穿过,通过,从开始到结束,经由,以 adv.从头到尾,自始至终,直达地,彻底,完全 adj.直达的,直通的


我真想把我那把尖头指甲锉捅进她的颈静脉。I felt like sliding my pointed nail file into her jugular vein.一不小心,你就会捅了马蜂窝Lf you're not careful you'll stir up a hornet's nest.这些你可捅了马蜂窝了!You've stirred up a bloody hornet's nest now!不要用筷子捅嘴。Don't poke your mouth with the chopsticks.莱奇右边的一个红脸汉子捅了莱奇的肋骨一下。A red-faced man at lige's right gave him a dig in the ribs.那个红脸汉子又重重捅了他肋骨一下。The red-faced man dug him hard in the ribs again.那些长杆子用来捅…Those long rods you r-ram...你在酒吧捅了谁?You stab a guy in a bar fight?他几乎每天都给敏芝捅娄子。He causes trouble for minzhi almost every day.她捅死的那家伙呢?What about the dudeshe stabbed?想捅我几下吗?You want to take a poke at me?新的税收是个政治火药捅,会引起广泛的暴力。The new tax is a political powder keg which could result in widespread violence.


捅入 push dwon

捅出 jab out

捅风口机 tuyere puncher

捅马蜂窝 raise a hornets nest; raised a hornets nest; stir up a hornet s nest

用...捅 jab at

用力把...捅进去 ram through

