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那样的的英文翻译 那样的英文怎幺说 那样的的英文例句



[nàyàng de]

    that kind of
    that sort of

kind [kaind]

    n.种类,性质 adj.仁慈的,和蔼的,亲切的,友爱的

sort [sɔ:t]

    n.种类,类别 v.分类,拣选


为什幺斯图加特法院会做出那样的决定?The hereditary health court in stuttgart arrived at that decision?我从来没有见过像他那样的神童。I have never witnessed such a wonder child as he.我会成为像他那样的老顽固吗?Am I going to become an old fogey like him?我宁愿她不嫁人,也不愿让她嫁给他那样的傻瓜。I'd sooner she married no one than marry a fool like him.像响尾蛇那样的警告声音。A warning sound like a rattlesnake.也不是像她父亲那样的懦弱的斗争,但求无过地马马虎虎地生存下去。Nor did it mean her father's sort of meek struggle; a weary effort to fit harmlessly in.再不会犯那样的错误了。Make no mistake about that.只是像雷鸟那样的酒Lt's like a thunderbird.只有傻瓜才会支付那样的价格。Only a mug would pay those prices.总是那样的陈词滥调,总是那样的诱惑推销,Always the same old tune always the same soft sell


像...那样的事 anything like

若是那样的话 so then

那样的事 the style of thing

那样的话 at that rate

