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纳税的英文翻译 纳税英文怎幺说 纳税的英文例句




    to pay taxes

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

taxes ['tæksiz]



我们为山姆大叔纳税。We pay uncle sam with our taxes.应纳税额以人民币计算。Should ratal is calculated with the rmb.


下一纳税年度 subsequent taxable year

不满一年的纳税年度 short tax year

为準备纳税的储蓄 savings in preparation for tax payment

亏损抵前纳税利益 tax benefit of loss carryback

亏损移后纳税利益 tax benefit of loss carryforward

从中国境外取得所得的纳税义务人 a taxpayer who earns income outside China

从资本纳税 paid out of capital

代办纳税 pay taxes on behalf of others

以潜在价值为纳税基础 potential value as assessment base

以潜在收入为纳税基础 potential income as tax base

全体纳税人 all taxable individuals

公司纳税前利润,公司税前利润 corporate profits before taxes

公司纳税后利润,公司税后利润 corporate profits after taxes

公司纳税后的利润 corporate profits after taxes

到期应纳税款 tax due

原纳税地税务机关 tax authorities to which the tax was paid

双重纳税年度 dual-status tax year

受託人代办纳税申报书 fiduciary return

受託人代委託人準备的纳税申报书 fiduciary return

口岸纳税 duty to be paid at port

各类纳税人 groups of taxpayers

合併纳税申报表 consolidated return

同等纳税人同等待迂原则 equal treatment for equals principle

同等纳税人同等待遇原则 equal-treatment-for-equals principle

国外子公司国外来源收入的延期纳税 tax deferral for foreign-source income of foreign subsidiaries

在中国负有纳税义务 be obligated to pay tax in China

基準纳税年度 basic taxable year

填开纳税凭证 issue payment receipt

外国纳税凭证 foreign tax payment receipt

孤儿纳税扣除 orphans'' deduction

