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体贴的英文翻译 体贴英文怎幺说 体贴的英文例句




    considerate (of other people's needs)

considerate [kәn'sidәrәt]


other [ʌðә(r)]

    adj.其他的,另外的,从前的 pron.其他的,他人,另外一个 adv.另外地,不同地

people [pi:p(ә)l]

    n.人,人们,民族,人类,公民 vt.使住(满)人

needs [nɪdz]

    adv (arch or rhet 古或修辞) (used only with must, often indicating sarcasm 只与must连用, 常含讥讽之意) 1 of necessity; from a sense of personal obligation 必要地; 偏要; 偏偏; 非得: He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday, ie It was a foolish action causing great inconvenience. 我们正要去度假, 他却偏偏摔断了腿. 2 (idm 习语) ,needs ,must when the ,devil `drives (saying 谚) one is sometimes forced by circumstances to do what one does not want to do 情势所迫, 只得去做


孩子需要的是亲切而体贴的照顾。What a child needs is tender loving care.内衣可以传神地表达人间最亲密的情愫,最体贴的关怀。The underwear can express the most intimate sincerity and care catch the spirit in the human world.你也有负鼠体贴的一面You're possum enough for me.你真够细心体贴的。It's very thoughtful of you.您的体贴关怀一定会得到回报。Your thoughtfulness should not go unrepaid.如果你是他:善良体贴,真诚,有事业心,珍惜感情,期望有感情归宿,爱好运动的阳光男人,请联繫我。If you are caring honest sportive have ambitions to be succeed and a sensehumor please contact me.他的体贴周到使我深受感动。I was very touched by his thoughtfulness.他们对他的周到体贴深表感谢。They deeply appreciated his thoughtfulness.体贴的人不应该对乾旱考虑不周。Thoughtful men ought not to be thoughtless about the drought.体贴地在沙发上呼吸新鲜空气You were tenderly getting some fresh air on the sofa.我希望你是个体贴细心的情人I expect you to be a considerate and thoughtful lover.


过分体贴 fuss over

