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    surname Diao

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


记者想用那些让人难为情的问题来刁难这位候选人。The reporter wanted to heckle the candidate with those embarrassing questions.老刁妇,怪老妪被认为坏脾气的老女人An old woman considered to be ill-tempered.石刁柏花药培养愈伤组织诱导影响因素的研究。Studies on factors influencing callus induction in anther culture of asparagus officinalis l.我们的领班故意刁难不给我们工间休息时间。Our bloody-minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.尊重厨房员工的工作,严禁故意刁难。To respect the kitchen-employees'work; do not make difficulties designedly.别提了!我犁了十天的地,”刁颤慄着说。Don't ask! I've spent the last ten days plowing fields "tiao answered with a shudder.那些坏孩子把房间弄髒来刁难女佣人。The bad children left the room dirty to spite their maid.他们这样挑衅和争论就是要故意刁难我们。They are being provocative and controversial just to spite us.他做了那件事来刁难我。He did it to spite me.我想他死前没立遗嘱只是为了刁难他的家人。I almost think he died without making a will just to spite his family.严重的水环境污染破坏了河流水生生态系统,曾造成刁江中上游河段鱼虾绝迹。Severe water pollution has spoiled the ecosystem of the river causing a fish kill.


刁度牌手錶 Tudor

刁度牌手錶 Tudor

刁钻 shrewdness

刁钻地 shrewdly

刁难 spite

山刁竹 shan tiao chu

故意刁难 deliberately make things difficult for

石刁柏 asparagus, Asparagus officinalis L.俗称"芦笋"。

