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闹事的英文翻译 闹事英文怎幺说 闹事的英文例句




    to cause trouble
    to create a disturbance

cause [kɔ:z]

    n.原因,导致某事发生的人或事,动机,理由,根据,目标,理想,事业 vt.引起,惹起,使(发生),促成

trouble [trʌb(ә)l]

    n.烦恼,麻烦,动乱,纠纷,疾病,故障,问题 vt.(使)烦恼,麻烦,打扰,麻烦自己,费神,费心

create [kri:'eit]


disturbance [di'stә:bәns]



你傻了,竟敢和重量级的拳击冠军寻衅闹事!It was foolish of you to pick a fight with a heavyweightboxing champion!并无滋乱闹事的迹象。There wasn't a hint of aggro.我们还要继续闹事吗?Were we in for more aggro?有人想闹事,你去把他请出去。Someone is trying to cause trouble.go and give him the bum's rush.在任何公共场所闹事都是有失身份的。To make a scene in any public place is infra dig.足球流氓闹事的增多。An increase in football hooliganism.员警把高压水枪对準了闹事者。Police turned water cannon on the rioters.员警用高压水龙头对準闹事的人。Police turned water-cannon on the rioters ie to disperse them.你和那些闹事的乌合之众有相同点吗?What have you in common with the troublemaking rabble?说他是个闹事者是不妥当的。It's inappropriate to say he is a trouble-maker.他们因醉酒闹事逮捕了reynoldsThey picked up reynolds on a drunk-and-disorderly.一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.组织中的闹事者总是不受欢迎的人A troublemaker within a group is always bad news.


参与聚众闹事罪 mobbing; participation in mobbing

煽动闹事 instigate trouble; stir up trouble

聚众在...周围闹事 mob round

聚众闹事 gather a crowd and make troubles; mob; rout

闹事 create a disturbance; make trouble; tumultuous petitioning

闹事者 troublemaker; troubler

