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听信的英文翻译 听信英文怎幺说 听信的英文例句




    to listen to information
    to get the news
    to believe what one hears

listen [lis(ә)n]

    vi.听,听从 v.听,收听

information [infә'meiʃ(ә)n]

    n.通知,报告,消息,情报,知识,见闻,资料,起诉 资讯

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

news [nju:z; (-) nu:z],消息

believe [bi'li:v]



要是我们听信那些悲观者的论调, 那工程就永远不可能上马If we had listened to the prophets of doom, we would never have started the project.她只凭说词就听信任何人。She believes any man on his bare word.我从不听信推销员的话。I never listen to (ie believe) what salesmen tell me.无线通讯以电磁波密码进行的可听信号的联络Communication of audible signals encoded in electromagnetic waves.然而,其他的同事们却听信了青年就业新闻发布官员的那一番明智的劝告。And the rest of the fellows fell for the Youth Employment Officer's words of wisdom.别听信他跟你说的话。Don't believe what he tells you.不要随便听信别人的话You shouldn't listen to talk.不要听信别人的话,不要倾囊而尽,不要虚度宝贵的光阴。Don't believe all your hear spend all you have or loaf all the time.公众由于听信布希一大堆关于家庭价值的空话而选他为总统。Snookered by a lot of malarkey about family values the public elected bush as president.那为何他还不降临来拯救你,你听信谣言?Why hast he not come to rescue thee thy fame?如果听信谣言和绯闻就会获得错误资讯。False information is likely if you listen to idle chatter or gossip.她想向我兜售她的那一路货,可我不会听信她的。She tried to sell me a bill of goods but I wouldn't listen to her.我真傻居然听信他的劝告!What a fool I am to take his advice!


可听信号 audible signal

收听信号的方向性 received signal directionality

被监听信号 supervised signal

视听资讯 audiovisual information

