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听任的英文翻译 听任英文怎幺说 听任的英文例句




    to let things happen

let [let]

    vt.假设,出租,允许,排放,让...进入(或通过),妨碍 vi.出租,(工程等)被承包 n.出租屋,障碍

things [θiŋz]


happen [hæpәn]

    vi.发生,碰巧,偶然 v.发生,恰巧,偶然发现

laissez-faire [leisei'feә(r)]

    n.放任政策(尤指资本主义国家的政府对工商业者的自由) adj.放任主义的


她听任自己眼泪横流。She let her tears overflow.我们不能听任这种事情发生。We can't allow such a thing.我突然变成宿命论的信徒了,甘心听任命运的摆布。I suddenly became fatalistic resigning myself to the inevitable.应该听任16岁的男孩子开马力大的摩托车吗?Should boys of16be trusted with high-powered motor-bikes?而另一些人则听任生活的摆布,不去与生活抗争。Others get angry and push back.母亲听任汤姆吃苹果饼。Mother let tom loose on the apple pie.如果我们听任孩子们今晚迟睡,这就会成为他们得寸进尺的开端。If we let the children stay up late tonight it'll be the thin end of the wadge.萨德伯里先生,我希望你没有听任我们旅游业的摆布而受苦受累吧。I hope you haven't been left to the tender mercies of our tourist industry mr sudbury.她不能对这样的要求听任不管。She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged.我不要听任何甜言蜜语。I don't want to hear any sweet-talk.我不会温顺地听任他胡说八道。I was not going to submit meekly to his nonsense.这位新教师听任孩子们胡闹。The new teacher lets the children run wild.


听任 leave alone; let be; resign herself to; resign himself to; resign myself to; resign ourselves to; resign themselves to; resign to; resign yourself to

听任...自然发展 leave something as it is

听任别人处置 fling oneself on someone''s mercy

听任它 left to itself

