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停产的英文翻译 停产英文怎幺说 停产的英文例句




    stop production

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒

production [prә'dʌkʃ(ә)n]



不赚钱的产品将停产。Unprofitable lines will be discontinued.焦化厂2005年停产,减少燃煤300万吨。* The beijing coking and chemistry plant will stop production in2005 reducing coal by3million tons;这种产品业已经停产。This product has been discontinued.这种烷化物10年前就已经停产了This alkylating agent was discontinued decades ago.巴拉克拉拉冶炼厂于1911年7月终于停产关闭。The balaklala smelter was finally shut down in july 1911纽卡斯尔的煤矿工人使所有的煤矿停产,以抗议工资冻结。The newcastle coal miners laid in all the collieries in protest of the wage freeze.确保生产线的维修停产的损耗是最小的。Make sure that the maintenance shut-down of the production line are minimum.原材料短缺,我们只得停产。For lack of raw materials we had to stop production.


不停产检修 on line maintenance

停产 stop production; suspend production; halt production

停产成本 shutdown cost

停产整顿 enterprises) suspend produetion until they have put themselves in good shape; stop operation and undergo shake-up; suspend production until enterprises have put themselves in good shape; stop production and undergo shape-up

拖延和机器停产的时间费用 cost of delays and machine down time

机器停产时间分析 machine downtime analysis

责令停产 order a stop of production; order to stop production

责令停产停业 order to discontinue production or business operation

