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听到的英文翻译 听到英文怎幺说 听到的英文例句




    to hear

hear [hiә(r)]

    vt.听到,听说,听取,审理,允许 vi.听见,听到


他听到枪0ㄍ?后扳的卡嗒声。He heard a bolt snick as it was pulled back.他听到身后有响声。He heard a noise behind him.他听到它慢下来时变得很紧张。He tensed as he heard it slow down.他听到我这句带着微笑说出来的俏皮话时,禁不住哈哈大笑起来。But at this sally which I made with something of a smile myself he fairly laughed aloud.他听到远处马嘶声。He heard the horse's neigh in the distance.他听到这一消息两腿摇晃起来。He gave a stagger on hearing the news.他隐隐听到远处的鼓声和跳舞者的喊叫声。He faintly heard the drumbeats and the shouting of dancers in the distance.也许你想听到从喜剧中引用来的无聊笑话Maybe you wonder how silly putty picks shit up from comic books.以及我所听到的一切,都是片面的,都是胡扯。Yet all I have heard is ill-informed meandering waffle.以前我从来没有听到她发言如此口若悬河。I'd never heard her speak so volubly before.中队长,听到了吗?Squadron leader do you read?


偶然听到 stumble on; stumble upon

听到 come within earshot; gptten wind of; have wind of; hear about; hear of; learn of; learnt of

听到...很高兴 be gratifying to learn that; be much pleased at

听到...的事 hear of

听到...的消息 hear tell of

听到...的风声 get wind of; got wind of

听到关于的...情况 hear about

听到底 hear out; hear through

听到更好的人 haer the beat; see the beat

听到特别灵敏 hear the grass grow

打听到关于...的消息 get a line on

探听到 winkle out

最后一次听到 hear the last of; heard the last of

期待着听到...声音 listen for

用听诊器听到的 stethoscopic

