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停靠的英文翻译 停靠英文怎幺说 停靠的英文例句




    to call at
    to stop at

call [kɔ:l]

    n.喊声,叫声,命令,号召,访问,叫牌,通话,必要 v.呼叫,召集,称呼,认为,命名,打电话

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒


我们的船曾在那不勒斯停靠。Our ship touched at naples.我们下一个停靠港是赛普勒斯。Our next port of call was cyprus.我们最后停靠在悉尼。We last touched at sydney.我要求船长让我在下一个停靠港上岸。I asked the captain to let me off at the next port of call.现在它已停靠在克里斯多夫街和谢立丹广场站了。Now it is at christopher street and sheridan square.有人招呼公车才会停靠此处。Buses stop here by request.这里是船舶停靠的地方,Thisistheplacewhere boats and ships are moored这艘船在去赛保港的途中停靠直布罗陀。This ship calls at gibraltar on the way to port said.这趟汽车停靠中央大街吗?Does this bus stop at center street?这条轮船在那不勒斯停靠。The steamer touched at naples.


为船舶等待停靠码头而造成滞留负责的条款 berthing clause

停靠 calling

停靠在...旁边 pull along-side

停靠在码头上的船 laid-up ship

停靠在码头的船只 berthed vessel; docked vessel

停靠地点 place of call

停靠泊位 moor to); berth

停靠消火栓 take a hydrant

停靠港 port of call

停靠港寄泊港 port of call

停靠站 bus stop

停靠蛋白质 docking protein又称"船坞蛋白质"。

停靠表 parking meter

定站停靠率 rate of stops at scheduled bus stops

意外停靠 unscheduled call

暂时停靠 touch

沿途停靠港 port of call

舰船停靠系统 vessel approach and berthing system

顺路停靠 call in the way

