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听从的英文翻译 听从英文怎幺说 听从的英文例句




    to listen and obey
    to comply with
    to heed

listen [lis(ә)n]

    vi.听,听从 v.听,收听

obey [әu'bei]


comply [kәm'plai]



你要听从父母亲的话。You must obey your parents.他对于不听从训导的人总是和颜悦色、彬彬有礼。You find him quite bland and urbane toward the people who would not listen to him.他们无言地听从胜利者的命令。They bowed in silence to the victor's command.他试图对听从的反应估计。He attempted to size up the reaction of the audience.他太固执己见的,不肯听从劝说。He is far too self-opinionated to yield to argument.他听从了要他休息的医嘱。He complied with the doctor's order that he take a rest.他听从劝告,乐意地接受了同志们的意见和批评。He listened to reason and willingly accepted his comrades'opinions and criticisms.他温顺地听从吩咐。He meekly did as he was told.温顺地听从某人的建议Yield meekly to sb.'s Suggestion我决定假意听从她的意见。I decided to play along with her idea.我们听从你的,并请转告彼得格勒…We bow down to you and please tell the petrograd...我一切都听从你做你的贤内助…Ln every worthy wish of yours l shall be your helpmate.


不听从使唤 bad mouth

听从 defer to; hear to; obey to

听从于 under the thumb; yield to

听从使唤 good mouth

听从劝告 hear reason

听从命令 be dictated to

欣然听从 take it kindly; taken it kindly; took it kindly

