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停下的英文翻译 停下英文怎幺说 停下的英文例句



[tíng xià]

    to stop

stop [stɔp]

    n.停止,车站,逗留,障碍,风琴的音栓,填塞 vi.停止,被塞住 vt.塞住,堵塞,阻止,击落,断绝,终止,难倒


停下来想一想。Stop and think about it.为什幺车子在车站与车站之间停下来?Why is the train stopping between stations?我看到那巡逻车停下来I saw that city-lookir car pull up...我们再次央求鲁斯小心,他这才把车停下来。In response to renewed pleadings bruce stopped.我们在一个广场上停下来休息。We stopped at a square to have a rest.我们找个地方停下来怎幺样?Should we stop by somewhere?信号灯是红色时就停下来。Stop whenthe signal light is red.巡警发出信号警告那名超速驾驶的司机靠边停下。The patrolman signaled for the speeding driver to pull over.因为雪盲,他不得不就地停下。Being snow-blind he had to stop where he was.有头衔的倾斜的盐筛检程式交替地停下以便改造。The tilted titled salt filters halt alternately for altering.只要吉罗德一谈起战争和脱离联邦这个话题,他不扯上几个小时是不会停下的。If gerald once got on the subject of war and secession it would be hours before he relinquished it.


使...停下来 put the brake on

使...停下来思考 draw up sharp; draw up sharply; drawn up sharp; drawn up sharply; drew up sharply

停下 balk at; bring to rest; brought to rest; cheese it

停下手中的活 throw down one''s tools

停下来 came to a stop; came to rest; come to a stop; come to rest; comes to a stop; comes to rest; given up the gjost

停下来而 stop to; stopped to; stops to

发动机渐渐地停下来 putter out

嘎地一声停下来 grind to a stop

当场停下来 stop in their tracks

暂停下来 take time off to; take time out to; taken time off to; taken time out to; took time out to

横靠在...处停下 draw alongside

突然停下 baulk at

