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挺直的英文翻译 挺直英文怎幺说 挺直的英文例句



[tǐng zhí]

    straight and upright

straight [streit]

    adj.直的,诚实的,正直的,率直的,整齐的 adv.直,直接,一直

upright [ʌprait]

    adj.垂直的,竖式的,正直的,诚实的,合乎正道的 adv.笔直,竖立着 n.垂直,竖立


派特尔夫人挺直着身子。Mrs patel held herself erect.他愤怒地挺直了身子。He drew himself up indignantly.帚状的伦巴第白杨树等的枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的Having erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top as in the lombardy poplar.房间登记员绷着脸,挺直了肩膀。The room clerk stiffened straightening his shoulders.他那僵硬挺直的姿势。His stiff upright posture.她那高大挺直的身躯,罩着一件过时的衬衫,这样可以坦露出她那细腻的踝节。A tall straight figure in an out-dated skirt which showed to advantage her fine ankles.在下一个练习中,挺直身体把手举过头顶。For this next exercise straighten up and lift your hands above your head.这裙子修长挺直,两侧开衩。The skirt is long and straight with two side vents.这个老兵严肃地挺直身体坐在那儿。The old soldier sat stiffly upright.


挺直地站着 draw herself up; draw himself up; draw myself up; draw ourselves up; draw themselves up; draw yourself up; drawn herself up; drawn himself up; drawn my up; drawn ourselves up; drawn themselves up; drawn yourself up; drawn yourselves up

挺直身体 draw herself up; draw himself up; draw myself up; draw ourselves up; draw themselves up; draw yourself up; drawn herself up; drawn himself up; drawn my up; drawn ourselves up; drawn themselves up; drawn yourself up; drawn yourselves up

