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电视节目的英文翻译 电视节目英文怎幺说 电视节目的英文例句




    television program

television [teliviʒ(ә)n]


program [prәugræm; (-) 'prәugrәm]

    n.节目,程式,纲要,计画 vt.规划,拟...计画,安排...入节目 vi.安排节目,编程式 (电脑)程式,(电视)节目


卫星国际电视节目中心;Satellite international television programme centre;也有毛利语的报纸、广播和电视节目。They also have maori newspapers radio and tv programmers.因为玛丽亚要离开,所以我希望史蒂文代替玛丽亚的位置做电视节目的製作人。Because maria is leaving I hope that steven winn will take her place as producer of the show.用户可以自主控制即时电视节目的快进、快退、暂停、播放,获得如收看vod一般的自在感受。You can pause ff rew and play when watching life tv as freely as watching vod.这次舞台演出是电视节目的派生作品。The stage show is a spinoff from a television programme.这电视节目在黄金时间播出。It was broadcast on television at prime time.这一儿童电视节目旨在教育和娱乐并重。This children's televi sion programme aims to both educate and entertain at the same time.昨晚我看了一个关于中国的电视节目。I watched a television programme about china last night.昨晚有一个电视节目介绍了表现派艺术。We watched a program that featured performance art on tv last night.


单通道双电视节目传输系统 two in one TV transmission system

卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目许可证 license for ground satellite receiving facilities to receive TV programs transmitted by foreign satellites

商业电视节目 television commercial

外国卫星传送的电视节目 television program transmitted via foreign satellites

电视节目单 TV program

电视节目监控器 television programme monitor

电视节目表 TV program table

电视节目观看状况报告设备 ARBITRON

黑白电视机也可收看的彩色电视节目 compatible color

