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挺好的英文翻译 挺好英文怎幺说 挺好的英文例句



[tǐng hǎo]

    very good

very [veri]

    adv.很,甚,及其,非常,完全 adj.真正的,真实的,恰好的,绝对的,十足的,特别的

good [gud]

    n.好,好事,慷慨的行为,好处,利益 adj.优良的,上等的,虔诚的,愉快的,慈善的,好心的,有益的


从废物堆里往往能捡到一些挺好的旧家俱You can often scavenge nice bits of old furniture from skips.多亏这个倒楣天气, 挺好的比赛取消了。Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled.这些照片中的人物姿势都挺好。The subjects are well posed in these photographs.儘管他很瘦,他的消化能力挺好。Although he is thin, he has good digestive power.我给狗一些挺好的肉排,可它却看不上。I gave the dog some lovely steak, and he just looked down his nose at it!一个挺好玩的赛车游戏!A very amusing vehicle race game!这家购物中心也挺好的是吧。This shopping center also very nice hor.这件外衣和这条裙子,儘管不是作为套装买的,但配得挺好,不是吗?The coat and skirt team up very well don't they although they weren't bought as a set.这小玩意儿开罐头挺好用。This little gadget's great for opening tins.“你可在莫斯基托海岸外捕了好多年海龟,你的眼力还是挺好的嘛。”But you went turtle-ing for years off the mosquito coast and your eyes are good.

