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玷污的英文翻译 玷污英文怎幺说 玷污的英文例句




    to stain
    to sully
    to tarnish

stain [stein]

    n.污点,瑕疵 v.染汙,沾汙

sully [sʌli]



你可玷污了你的修女You may have deflowered your vestal horn他的名誉被许多罪行玷污。His reputation is sully by many crimes.他们亵渎玷污了这种语言的纯洁性。They have debased and defiled the purity of the tongue.他们总是用谎言来玷污她They always taint her memory with lies.我们都不能玷污我们姐妹会的法衣**** We don't... the vestment of our sistehood.我企图想像我穿着上帝的盔甲,但我看见的却是穿着玷污的黄衬衫。I tried to picture myself wearing god's armor but all I saw was me wearing the stained yellow shirt.在加德纳看来,“维农纳”几乎是某种形式的艺术,他不想让它被粗鄙的麦卡锡主义玷污。In gardner's mind venona was almost an art form and he did not want it sullied by crude mccarthyism.在玷污了纯雪的天际边你豪华的家,From our home high in the city where the skyline stained the snow这群无赖写了许多庸俗下流的东西,玷污了这座教堂。The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.


以...玷污 dash with; defile with

海洋玷污 marine contamination

玷污 besmear with; breathe on; breathed upon; daub with

玷污损害 taint damage

玷污险 risk of contamination

血统玷污 corruption of blood

