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听起来的英文翻译 听起来英文怎幺说 听起来的英文例句



[tīng qǐlái]

    to sound like

sound [saund]

    n.声音,语音,噪音,吵闹,海峡,听力範围,探条 adj.健全的,可靠的,合理的,有效彻底的,健康的 adv.彻底地,充分地 vi.发出声音,迴响,测深,听起来 vt.使发声,宣告,听诊,测...深,试探

like [laik]

    n.爱好,同样的人(或物) adj.相似的,同样的 vt.喜欢,希望,愿意 vi.喜欢,希望 prep.象,如同 adv.可能


我觉得这件事听起来有假。The story sounds phoney to me.我认为你听起来太多鼻音I thought you sounded nasally.我听起来像一根刺I sound like a massive prick.我知道这听起来很可怕。I know it sounds horrible.我知道这听起来很可疑。I know it sounds queer.我知道这听起来很奇怪。I know this sounds strange.我知道这听起来很愚蠢,但就因为他我成了体育记者I know it sounds stupid but this guy is the reason that I'm a sportswriter.在我听起来这就像是大饭店招待会上弹奏的那种乏味的背景音乐。It sounds to me like the sort of wallpaper music that they play in hotel receptions.这个类型的混响十分清晰,听起来十分明亮。This kind of reverb is very clean and bright sounding.这个主意听起来很有趣。The idea sounds like fun.这首流行歌曲听起来很精彩。The popular song sounded very wonderful.这听起来正是电脑的逻辑!That sounds exactly like the thinking of a machine to me.


听起来 it listens to

听起来不真实 ring hollow

听起来也许奇怪 strange as it may sound

听起来好象 sound like

听起来熟悉 rang a bell; ring a bell; rung a bell

听起来真诚 ring true

