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难题的英文翻译 难题英文怎幺说 难题的英文例句




    difficult problem

difficult [difikәlt]


problem [prɔblәm]



这便是着名的太阳中微子难题。This is the solar neutrino problem.这位诺贝尔物理学奖得主不费吹灰之力,便使难题迎刃而解。The nobel laureate physicist effortlessly made the complex simple.这个难题是够他对付的。This nut is rather hard for him to crack.这可真是个难题。This one's a real teaser.这些难题可能大家都很熟悉,但对它们的解决方案常常没什幺人了解。These challenges may be well known but solutions for them oftentimes are not.这也是研究康得哲学美学之难题。It's also a wide interpret space and a poser of the study of kant a priori philosophy.正是那个行星可以、如果适用、解开那在所有的关係难题当中的暗礁和缠结。It is the planet that can if applied unloose the snags and snarls of any relationship problem.最近一位获得二三块奥运会金牌的女运动员是谁?--这可是个难题。Who was the last woman to win three olympic gold medals?--That's quite a poser.


不好解决的难题 the problem child

以斩钉截铁的手段解决难题 cut a gordian knot; cut a knot; cut the knot

帮助解决难题 nurse through

技术难题 technical problems; technological problem

投票难题,投票悖论 paradox of voting

整数分解难题 integer factorization problem, IFP

用快刀斩乱麻的办法解决难题 cut the gordian knot

解决难题 put the ax in the helve; put the axe in the helve

难题 hard nut standing in the healthy development in the long run)

