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提及的英文翻译 提及英文怎幺说 提及的英文例句




    to mention
    to raise (a subject)
    to bring to sb's attention

mention [menʃ(ә)n]

    vt.提及,说起 n.提及,说起 v.论及,提及

raise [reiz]

    n.上升,高地,提出 vt.升起,唤起,提高,使出现,解除,饲养,筹集,使复活

subject [sәb'dʒekt]

    n.题目,主题,科目,学科,国民,[语法]主语 adj.受他国统治的,未独立的,受制于...的,受...影响的,以...为条件的 vt.使屈从于...,使隶属

bring [briŋ]

    vt.拿来,带来,产生,引起,提出(诉讼) vi.停下


图1。1本年报内提及的测风站及潮汐测量站之分布地点。Figure1.1locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this publication.为判断或者报酬提及。Refer for judgment or consideration.我在他的圣地出现,显然被他看作是羞于提及的莽撞事情。My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.希腊历史中所有提及有关球体的资料Every orb ever mentioned in greek history.须分别阅作提及─Shall be read respectively as references to-一个段落只能表达一个中心思想,往往在主题句中提及。The paragraph should contain only one central idea.this can be stated in a topic sentence.由沙门桿菌造成的骨髓炎在文献上较少被提及。Osteomyelitis induced by salmonella species was less common in the literature.在合同正文中未提及的部分可以作为合同的附件附加在后面。What is left unmentioned in contract may be added there as an appendix.


在...面前提及 mention before

所提及的 in point

提及 advertency; in regard to; with regard to

略为提及 hint at

谨慎提及 skate over

附加件中所提及的 mentioned in appendix

除非另有提及 unless otherwise mentioned

