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[tiě liàn]

    an iron chain

iron [aiәn; (-) 'aiәrn]

    n.铁,熨斗,坚强,烙铁,镣铐 vt.烫平,熨,用铁装备 vi.烫衣服

chain [tʃein]

    n.链(条),[常 pl.] 镣铐,一连串,一系列 vt.用链条拴住


拿着一条很长很长的铁鍊He has a long long chain上海新铁鍊筛网製造有限公司。Shanghai new iron chain bolting cloth manufacturing co. ltd.甚至在他们调转船头到达另一个浮标处时,他们仍然能听到那铁鍊发出的噹啷声。And you can hear the chains a-jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy.他的手腕上紧紧扣着一条铁鍊,由一名狱警带走。A heavy iron chain was clamped around his wrists and he was led off by one of the prison guards.他走过监狱,监狱的大门上垂着一根拉钟的铁鍊,他便拉动那口钟。He passed before the prison at the door hung an iron chain attached to a bell he rang.一条生锈的铁鍊从大门口垂下来。There was a rusty iron chain hanging frum the gate.引缆锚链中用来牵引的铁鍊或绳子A chain or rope used for hauling in a cable.用铁鍊缚住;加镣铐To put into irons; fetter.


亮铁鍊条 bright mild steel link chain

光身铁鍊 iron single jack chain

畜力犁用铁鍊条 steel link chain for animal-drawn plough

钩爪铁鍊 claw tool

铁鍊 iron chain

镀锌铁鍊条 galvanized mild steel link chain

