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难得的英文翻译 难得英文怎幺说 难得的英文例句




    hard to come by

seldom [seldәm]


rare [reә(r)]

    adj.稀罕的,杰出的,珍贵的,(肉类)半熟的 adv.非常

hard [ha:d]

    adj.硬的,坚固的,(问题,工作等)困难的,艰苦的,猛烈的,确实的 adv.努力地,辛苦地,坚硬地,牢固地,接近地,猛烈地

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为


当我们还处于可以效劳之时,难得遇上忘恩负义之徒。We seldom find people ungrateful so long as we are in a condition to render them service.没有朽木的树林少见,全是好人的家族难得。Tis a strange forest that has no rotten wood in 't.and a strange kindred that all are good in't.我难得接到她的信。Very occasionally I hear from her.西北蛮荒之地,大口吃肉大碗喝酒之余,倒不忘小花小草小情小调,难得。In northwest such boondocks besides meat and wine there're flower and grass.rare.一本难得的生活指导书A rare book for guiding life.音乐会上很难得地演奏了西贝柳斯一首鲜为人知的曲子。The rarity in the concert was a little-known piece by sibelius.有机氯类、有机唑类农药较为稳定,加工操作很难得到较好的去除效果。Organochlorine and triazole pesticide residues were stabile in processing of farm induce.这是一只难得的好股票,目标价位10元。07中期扭亏。This is a god-given good share metaphase of10yuan of.07twists target price deficient.真是难得的宝贝啊It's the mother lode.


一生难得的机会 chance of a lifetime

处境比预想的困难得多 had a tinger by the tail

大难得救的人 brand from the burning

必竞比预想的困难得多 have a tinger by the tail

极难得 hardly ever; once in a blue moon; scarcely erer; scarcely ever; seldom or never; very seldom

极难得的机会 unique opportunity

秘境比预想的困难得多 have a tinger by the tail

难得 hardly at all; scarcely ever; seldom if ever

难得的 uncommonly

难得的东西 one in a thousand

难得的享受 real jam

