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颠簸的英文翻译 颠簸英文怎幺说 颠簸的英文例句




    to shake
    to jolt
    to bump

shake [ʃeik]

    v.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动 n.摇动,摇,颤抖,震动

jolt [dʒәult]

    v.摇晃 n.摇晃


在水波上颠簸的玩具船。Toy boats bobbing on the waves这可能是一次颠簸的飞行,因为前面有许多不稳定气流。It might be a bumpy flight because there's a lot of air turbulence ahead.这条路真是够颠簸的!It is indeed a bumpy road!船在暴风中颠簸。The ship rocked in the squall.翻滚,打滚象在泥或海中打滚、翻滚或颠簸To wallow roll or toss about as in mud or high seas.风浪使船颠簸个不停。Waves were tossing the ship.海上颠簸得非常厉害,在乘船旅行后我们中的许多人都感到晕乎乎的。The sea was very rough and many of us felt woozy after the boat journey.火车开动时,我开始感觉到它的每一下颠簸。As the train set off I became aware of every jerk and jolt it was making.没有经验的水手,还不习惯船上的颠簸。The inexperienced sailor has not so far got his sea legs.我在欢快而不安的海洋上颠簸,直到早晨。Till morning dawned I was tossed on a buoyant but unquiet sea.严重雷雨和严重颠簸。Heavy thunderstorm and severe turbulence.这个避振器同时也减少了赛车骑上路缘石的弹跳程度和颠簸的感受性。It also reduces the effects of rebound when riding kerbs and pitch sensitivity.


剧烈颠簸的船 pile driver

碰到狂风大浪的颠簸 made heavy weather

系统颠簸 churning, thrashing

车载式颠簸累积仪 vehicular bump-integrator

颠簸 bumpiness

颠簸地走 bump along

颠簸累积式平整仪 bump-integrator roughometer trailer

颠簸行进 jog up and down

颠簸试验 bump test

颠簸飘摇的 tempest tost

飞机颠簸 aircraft bumpiness飞机在扰动气流中飞行时产生的振颤、上下抛掷、摇晃、摆头等现象。

