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难办的英文翻译 难办英文怎幺说 难办的英文例句




    difficult to manage; hard to deal with; tough

difficult [difikәlt]


manage [mænidʒ]

    vi.处理,应付过去 vt.管理,控制,操纵,维持,运用,搞成,设法,达成

hard [ha:d]

    adj.硬的,坚固的,(问题,工作等)困难的,艰苦的,猛烈的,确实的 adv.努力地,辛苦地,坚硬地,牢固地,接近地,猛烈地

deal [di:l]

    n.交易,(政治上的)密约,待遇,份量,买卖 vi.处理,应付,做生意 vt.分配,分给(out),发牌,给予


这事真难办。That's a real twister.她不肯帮忙, 事情就更难办了Her refusal to help complicates matters.夜里在乡村小路上,他的车子两个轮胎漏气了,又没有备用轮胎,他肯定难办死了。He had two flat tires and no spare on a country road, which was certainly a pretty kettle of fish.竞选已进行到这幺晚的阶段,要想扭转政局是很难办的。It would be difficult to tip the political scales so late in the campaign.如果饿国佔领了格罗得诺,那问题就难办了。Lf the russians take grodno you're in for it.我们这里有一个真的很难办的问题要对付。We have a real gordian knot to deal with here.以为亚细胞组分很纯而实际不纯的情况,一直是植物化学家感到难办的问题。The impurity of supposedly pure subcellular fractions is a constant threat to the plant biochemist.有他那样的扫帚星,什幺事都难办成功"With a jinx like him nothing can be accomplished"里士满是个难办的小城Richmond is a tough little city.


使他们难办 put a spoke in their wheel

使他难办 put a spoke in his wheel

使你们难办 put a spoke in your wheel

使她难办 put a spoke in her wheel

使我们难办 put a spoke in our wheel

使我难办 put a spoke in my wheel

认为...难办 made danger of; make danger of

难办 touchiness

难办的事 long row to hoe

