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剔除的英文翻译 剔除英文怎幺说 剔除的英文例句




    to reject
    to discard
    to get rid of

reject [ri:dʒekt]

    n.被拒之人,被弃之物,不合格品,落选者,不及格者 vt.拒绝,抵制,否决,呕出,驳回,丢弃

discard [di'ska:d]

    vt.丢弃,抛弃 v.放弃

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽


水果商把好的李子挑出一批来,把过熟的加以剔除。The fruiterer picked over a stock of plums and removed the overripe ones.剔除大量小海豹的计画引起环保组织的强烈愤慨。The plan to cull large numbers of baby seals has angered environmental groups.剔除模式,剔除背面;假设图元顶点按逆时针顺序旋转排列。Cull out that is remove back faces; assume counterclockwise winding order for primitives.我们必须把病马从马群中剔除。We must cut out the sick horses from the herd.我们必须剔除不必要的开支。We must eliminate unnecessary expenses.但即使剔除掉这种经常费用,那幺外销经常费用还是要加进去的,But even with the overhead out the export overhead must be in用油石仔细剔除曲轴法兰倒棱上的小边或毛刺。Carefully remove small edges or burrs on the chamfer of the crankshaft flange with an oilstone.在出售时,剔除明显的病和僵牛。At the time of sale the obviously sick and unthrifty animals are usually excluded.


剔除 disallowance; charge off

剔除不合格商品 rejection of goods

剔除期间 elimination period

剔除材料中的废品 reject materials

受条例管理企业—厂场成本中废弃和剔除项目的会计处理 regulated enterprises-accounting for abandonments and disallowances of plant costs

商品废品剔除 rejection of goods

废品剔除 rejection

被剔除 disallowable

过多剔除 excessive rejection

