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提成的英文翻译 提成英文怎幺说 提成的英文例句




    to take a percentage

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

percentage [pә'sentәdʒ]



你是推销商品有提成拿吗?Are you getting a cut of the merchandising?


产品提成费 royalties on products

从买价中提成 percentage of the purchase price

从买价中提成 percentage of the purchase price

企业利润留成,企业利润提成 enterprise-retained profits; retention of profits by enterprises; profits retained by enterprises

利润提成 profit drawing

固定提成 fixed royalty

固定资产折旧提成 drawing portions from the depreciation fund for fixed assets

技术提成费 royalties for transfer of technology

折旧提成 an amortization charge; capital allowances

折旧提成,折旧提存 allowance for depreciation; depreciation allowance; amortization of charge

按总收益提成折旧法 depreciation-gross earning method

提成 deduct a percentage from a sum of money; amortization; deduction of a percentage from the investment in a deal

提成价格 royalty price

提成工资制 system of having a portion of retained profits for wage increases; deduction wage system

提成支付 royalty payment

提成费 royalty

摊提成本 amortized cost

权利费提成 royalty

滑动提成 sliding royalty; running royalty

生产利润分配,生产利润提成 production profit sharing

船长运费提成 hat money

资源提成费 royalty for resources

连续提成 running royalties

逐年提成 running royalties

酬劳费提成 amount of commission

销售折扣提成 allowance for discounts available

