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跳舞的英文翻译 跳舞英文怎幺说 跳舞的英文例句




    to dance

dance [da:ns; (-) dæns]

    n.跳舞,舞蹈,舞会,舞曲,舞蹈艺术 v.跳舞,舞蹈,(旗等)飘扬


我们已约定在5月19日到诺尔村集市上去跳舞。We've got a booking on nineteenth may to dance at knowle village fair.我们在那儿,一直跳舞跳到下半夜。There we were bopping away till the small hours.我命令你跳舞,莎乐美。Herod I command thee to dance salome.我是不跳舞的。I do n't dance.我注视着跳舞的人旋转。I watched the dancers twirling.现在让我们高高兴兴地唱歌跳舞吧。Now let us sing and dance and be merry.摇摆乐是爵士乐的一部分,让人听了后想跳舞。Swing refers to the part of jazz that makes people want to dance.在飞矛间如同鬼魅般跳舞Look at those spears flying!在他们跳舞的过程中,他看到那些白色人种的男人和女人是怎样猥亵地搂抱在一起。He had seen how in their dances the white men and women held one another obscenely.这群跳舞演员穿着民族服装。The group of dancers wore national dress.


化装跳舞服 fancy ball dress

参加跳舞 taken the floor; took the floor

合着拍子跳舞 tread a measure; trod a measure

漆皮跳舞鞋 patent pumps

继续不断地跳舞 dance away; danced away

跳舞 shake a leg; tread a measure; trod a measure

跳舞鞋 dancing shoes

