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体操运动员的英文翻译 体操运动员英文怎幺说 体操运动员的英文例句



[tǐcāo yùndòngyuán]


gymnast [dʒimnæst]



江钰源是女子自由体操中唯一获得15分得体操运动员。Jiang was the sole gymnast to reach the mark of15in the floor exercise.紧身衣芭蕾舞演员或者体操运动员穿的紧身裤或者类似这种织物的紧身连衣裤A pair of tights or a leotard of such fabric worn for ballet or gymnastics.他是个有名的体操运动员。He is a famous gymnast.他的女儿是个体操运动员His daughter's a gymnast.体操运动员肱骨撤径和骨壁厚度增长明显;Gymnasts showed significant increases in transverse diameter and wall thickness of humerus;体操运动员轻盈而优美的体态。The lithe grace of a gymnast体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。The gymnast poised herself on the balance beam gracefully.沿着奥林匹克旅行跟随体操运动员到悉尼。我们盖住所有体操的预备考试和决赛。Follow the gymnasts along the olympic journey to sydney.we cover all gymnastic prelims and finals.这个体操运动员得做一个360度后空翻。The gymnast had to do a double back flip.这位体操运动员叫什幺名字?What's the name of the gymnast?比赛中体操运动员脚尖不绷直的话会被扣分。Unpointed toes can cost a gymnast demerits in competition.几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻链。Groups of gymnast are having their physical training in the gymnasium.那位体操运动员是本届吊环冠军。The gymnast is the present champion of the swinging rings.诺拉是这个国家卓越的体操运动员。Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country.有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻。A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults.

