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喃的英文翻译 喃英文怎幺说 喃的英文例句



    mumble in repetition

mumble [mʌmb(ә)l]

    n.喃喃而语,咕哝,闭嘴细嚼 v.喃喃而语,咕哝

repetition [repi'tiʃ(ә)n]



他不停地喃喃自语。He was muttering away to himself.他的嗓门愈来愈低,最后成了喃喃自语。His voice subsided to a mutter.他目光呆滞,喃喃自语。His eyes were glassy and he was muttering to himself.她不时喃喃自语:可别把我们引到……。Now and then she murmured "lead us not into t...."她喃喃了一句发誓的话。She mouthed a swear word.我们听见那个人离开时喃喃地说着什幺。We heard the man mutter something as he walked away.象低语的海浪;喃喃的低语声。Like murmuring waves; susurrant voices.


二氢吡喃 dihydropyrane

二苯并呋喃 dibenzofuran

卡巴呋喃 carbofuran

吡喃 pyrane

吡喃环 pyranoid ring

吡喃糖 pyranose

吡喃达明 pirandamine

呋喃 furan

呋喃丙烯酸 furanacrylic acid

呋喃丙胺 furapromide

呋喃丹 carbofuran

呋喃丹 carbofuran

呋喃他酮 furaltadone

呋喃唑酮 furazolidone

呋喃嘧酮 furapyrimidone

呋喃基苯并咪唑 fuberidazole

呋喃妥因 nitrofurantoin

呋喃拉嗪 furalazine

呋喃旦啶 nitrofurantoin

呋喃树脂 furan resin

呋喃树脂砂 furan resin-sand

呋喃洛芬 furaprofen

呋喃甲胺 furylamine

呋喃甲醯氯 furoyl chloride

呋喃甲醯胺 furoylamide

呋喃甲酸 furan-carboxylic acid

呋喃甲醛 furaldehyde

呋喃硫胺 fursultiamine thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulphiele

呋喃糖 furanose

呋喃肟 furfural oxime

