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奶粉的英文翻译 奶粉英文怎幺说 奶粉的英文例句




    powdered milk

powdered [paudәd]


milk [milk]

    n.乳,牛奶 v.挤(奶)


本院禁止奶粉公司于院内进行宣传及展览有关奶粉资料。We prohibit milk product company's promotion and display of milk product in our hospital.别为脱脂奶粉饮泣!Do not cry over skim milk.奶粉、啤酒,还有你最好的威士卡Powdered milk beer and your best whiskey.奶粉的销售及推广。The marketing and advertising of powdered milk.奶粉是应急时很好的备用品。Powdered milk is a good standby in an emergency.牛奶巧克力需要加入牛奶粉。Powdered milk is added for milk chocolate.盛放婴儿奶粉的瓶子;有橡胶乳头。A bottle that holds a baby's milk; has a rubber teat.为什幺没给我们奶粉和土豆?Why didn't we get the powdered milk and the spuds?要不要我在你的咖啡里加点奶粉?Shall I put some powdered milk in your coffee?在奶粉后面看过吗?Did you check behind the powdered milk?摘要目的:检测进口原料奶粉中是否污染阪崎肠桿菌。Objective: to examine the contamination of e.sakazakii in imported raw milk powders.


保久奶粉 long life milk powder

全脂奶粉 dried whole milk full-cream milk powder whole dry milk whole milk powder

制奶粉机 milk powder machine

奶粉 dried milk milk powder

婴儿奶粉 baby milk powder

椰奶粉 coconut milk powder

脱脂奶粉 dry buttermilk dry skim milk

即溶奶粉 instant milk powder

雀巢全脂奶粉 Nestle full cream powdered milk

