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    gaze afar

gaze [geiz]

    v.盯,凝视 n.凝视

afar [ә'fa:(r)]



偶尔伯莎去海岸上闲逛,眺望荒凉的水域。Sometimes bertha wandered to the sea-shore and looked across the desolate waste of water.凭窗远眺,270o无敌海景尽情收纳。Overlooking by the window enjoy270o seascape as much as you like.情侣们在眺望着帆船。The lovers are watching the sailing boat.去干什幺?只是为了可以在壕沟的这边眺望她们,向她们眉目传情。What to do? Just to watch and ogle them from the other side of the ditch.寺内有佛塔,是眺望南京全景的最佳观景点。Inside there is a pagoda from which there is a panoramic view of the city.他一时默默无言,黯然朝暮色眺望。He was silent for a while gazing sadly into the twilight.位于自然保护区的独特种植园大楼可临海远眺Exclusive plantation house situated in nature reserve overlooking sea在静冈县御殿场市5000米上的高空眺望富士山。Mount fuji seen from an airplane above gotemba shizuoka prefecture.


从...处眺望 overlook from

具有可眺望的地方 look out on; look out over; look out to; look out upon

眺台 balcony

眺望 seen beyond

眺望台 prospect deck

眺望权 right to a view into the distance from a high

