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天色的英文翻译 天色英文怎幺说 天色的英文例句




    time of the day

time [taim]

    n.时间,时侯,时机,节拍,期限,次数,时期,比赛限时 vt.安排...的时间,记录...的时间,计时,定时 vi.打拍子,(...)合拍 adj.时间的,记时的,定时的,定期的,分期的

day [dei]



风雨欲来, 天色黑暗。The sky darkened as the storm approached.天色渐暗。The light was beginning to fail, ie It was getting dark.天色阴沉可怕。The sky looks black and threatening, ie stormy.天色灰濛濛的。The sky was over cast.都市笼罩在渐暗的天色之中。Dusk was settling over the city.因为天色暗下来了,他们匆匆赶路。They hurried on because it was getting dark.当我们一路排除困难走下山岗时,天色已近薄暮。It was getting along in the afternoon as we worked our way down the ridge.“我们得起来赶在天色再度变黑之前回家,”汉梭说。We should get up and head for home before it gets dark again" said hansel.现在天色幽暗阴霾,像是要落雪的样子。The day had now become cloudy lowery and it looked as if there might be snow.出门看天色进门看脸色Look at the weather when you step out; look at man's faces when you step in.你们知道分辨天色,倒不能分辨这时期的神迹。The face of the sky you know how to discern but you cannot discern the signs of the times.五点左右,外面天色更蓝,屋子里的灯可以关掉了。About five o'clock it was blue enough outside to snap off the light.

