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地税的英文翻译 地税英文怎幺说 地税的英文例句



[dì shuì]

    rates (tax)

tax [tæks]

    n.税,税款,税金 vt.对...徵税,使负重担,指控,责备


国税局、地税局:企业所得税纳税年检。Country tax bureau land tax bureau: yearly check of pay taxes of enterprise income tax.北京海澱区地税局办公大楼?Beijing haidian disctrict shuiju office block.居民抗议在当地税单上增加5%附加费。Residents are protesting about the5% surcharge on their local tax bills.与当地税务局保持良好的关係。Maintain good relationship with local tax bureau.


内地税 inland duty; internal revenue tax

原纳税地税务机关 tax authorities to which the tax was paid

土地税 land tax

土地税收 land revenue

地税 local levy; local tax; local taxation land tax

地税局 local taxation bureau

实物土地税 land tax collect in kind

收入来源地税收管辖权 source of income tax jurisdiction

未利用土地税 unused land tax

来源地税收管辖权原则 doctrine of jurisdiction of taxation at the place of source

林地税 forest tax; woodland tax

每一百英亩的土地税 hidage

继承领地税 relief

美国的领地税收抵免 possession tax credit

