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    sky blue

sky [skai]


blue [blu:]

    n.蓝色 adj.蓝色的,忧郁的,沮丧的


像奥斯卡•德拉伦塔在2002年设计过一系列天蓝色的晚礼服That in2002 oscar de la renta did a collection of cerulean gowns.橡胶消声圈有黑色,凯里绿,透明,蓝色可选。额外的颜色比如粉红,大红,黄色,天蓝等需要特别联繫。Silencers are available in black kelly green clear electric blue and electric green rubber.颜色为独玉绿白,酱紫及天蓝,色泽持重,大气庄重。Color alone white jade green sky blue and jiangzi color pragmatic solemn atmosphere.一种天蓝色的次等宝石。An azure blue semiprecious stone.她宁可把房间漆成乳白色,也不愿漆成天蓝色。She would rather have her room painted milk-white than have it painted sky-blue.有机亲水铝箔表面为天蓝色,无机亲水涂层表面为灰白色或亚白色。Organic hydrophilic foil surface is sky blue inorganic hydrophilic foil is grey white or sub-white.中国产的多年生罂粟,淡紫红色到亮丽的天蓝色花,下垂的聚伞花序。Chinese perennial having mauve-pink to bright sky blue flowers in drooping cymes.


天蓝刻花双耳瓶 sky blue glaze vase engraved floral design

天蓝漆 sky blue paint

天蓝石 lazulite

天蓝石的 lazulitic

天蓝色布 sky blue cloth

天蓝色的 sky blue

天蓝计 cyanometer

氯唑天蓝 chlorazol sky blue

直接天蓝 direct sky blue

直接耐晒天蓝 direct fast turquoise blue

耐晒天蓝色澱 everbright fast sky blue lake

还原天蓝 Threne blue

青天蓝 cerulean blue

