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地权的英文翻译 地权英文怎幺说 地权的英文例句



[dì quán]

    ownership of land

ownership [әunәʃip]


land [lænd]

    n.陆地,(书面语)国家、国土,地带,[複数]地产,田产 vi.靠岸,登陆,登岸,到达 vt.使上岸,使登陆,使到达,使处于


一般的原则是,真分的一般应该确定地权财权,不再变动;Determine land ownership and property rights and make no further alterations;当地权贵和贵族家庭。Local magnates and patrician families.根据本条例视为将土地权益转归予挪威银行的作为,不得─The deemed vesting in den norske bank of an interest in land by virtue of this ordinance shall not-凭藉本条例当作将土地权益归属大和银行一事─The deemed vesting in daiwa of an interest in land by virtue of this ordinance shall not-由本条例或根据本条例当作将土地权益归属一事─The deemed vesting of an interest in land by or under this ordinance shall not-


土地权 land right

土地权属 allocation of landownership and land use right

土地权属流转 transfer of the land-use rights

地权 ownership of land; right to land; landownership

平均地权 equalization of land ownership; equalize land ownership; equalization of land rights

平均地权论 agrarianism

平均地权论者 agrarian

恢复土地权 jus recuperandi

收回租地权 right of entry

敬神保有土地权 tenure by divine service

未来租地权 future lease

用地权 land-use right; right to the use of land; right to use land

禁止侵入土地权 right against trespass to the land

租地权 land lease right

进入租地权 right of entry

