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敌机的英文翻译 敌机英文怎幺说 敌机的英文例句



[dí jī]

    enemy plane

enemy [enimi]

    n.敌人,仇敌,[集合名词]敌军,[喻]大敌 adj.敌人的,敌方的

plane [plein]

    n.平面,飞机,水準,程度,刨 adj.平的,平面的 v.刨,刨平


从我们机翼上发出的枪弹击中敌机机身。Bullets from our wing gun ripped into the fuselage of the enemy plane.另一艘载着平民的船只遭到敌机袭击而严重毁坏。Another boat, carrying civilians, was badly shot up by the enemy planes.雷达密切监视天空,搜索敌机。The radar scanned the sky for enemy planes.几架敌机被我们的雷达装置发现了。Some enemy planes were picked up by our radar installations.敌机击沉了那艘驱逐舰。Enemy aircraft sank the destroyer.汉廷顿,敌机在十点!Huntington coming in at10o'clock!我们击落了一架敌机。We shot an enemy plane down.我们一举击落两架敌机。We brought down two enemy planes at a blow.幸亏及早发现了敌机。Luckily the enemy planes were spottedearly.这是c地的主线,易于受到敌机轰炸和毒气攻击。This is a major l of c and is liable to bombing and gas attack from the enemy.昨夜伦敦东区遭到敌机轰炸,至今还硝烟弥漫。East london was still smoking from the previous night's air raid.我们的主雷达还没收到敌机讯息準备打开盾门Their primary target will be the power generators.prepare to open the shield.相同方位有多架敌机Multiples on the same bearing.许多敌机一侵入我们的领空就被击落。A number of enemy planes were brought down the moment they intruded into our territorial air.


敌机 bandit

