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甜酒的英文翻译 甜酒英文怎幺说 甜酒的英文例句



[tián jiǔ]

    sweet liquor

sweet [swi:t]

    adj.甜的,可受的,美好的,芳香的 n.糖果

liquor [likә(r)]

    n.液体,汁,酒精饮料,[药]溶液 vt.浸水 vi.喝酒


送你所梦想的甜酒。Send me your dreams of your candied wine.在十六世纪被欧洲炼金术师们当作灵丹妙药的甜酒叫什幺名字?What liqueur was formulated by16th century alchemists in europe as a medicinal elixir?这是一种从巴伐利亚黑森林进口的薄荷甜酒。Rumple minze is a peppermint schnapps imported from the black forest in bavaria.这种产于德国巴伐利亚黑森林的50度的甜酒叫什幺名字?This100proof schnapps is made in the black forest of bavaria.喝多了甜酒,你知道,最后…... Had a iot of sangria and you know ended up...试试在奶油中搅入一点白兰地或其他甜酒。Try whipping a little brandy or other liqueur into the cream.由部分干缩的葡萄树或稻草丛製成的甜酒。Sweet wine from grapes partially sun-dried on the vine or on straw mats.在那次袭击中我喝了一肚子甜酒That at the time of the attack I had a skinful of rum.这是一种使用搅拌机制作的冰冻饮料,通常採用至少一种甜酒和霜淇淋。A parfait is a blended drink made with one or more liqueurs and ice cream.这种乾爽芳香的欧洲甜酒採用中性酒精和枯茗等植物酿造,它叫什幺名字?This dry aromatic liqueur is made in europe from cumin caraway and neutral grain spirits.


烈性甜酒 liqueur

茴香甜酒 anisette

