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得主的英文翻译 得主英文怎幺说 得主的英文例句




    the recipient (of a prize)

recipient [ri'sipiәnt]

    adj.容易接受的,感受性强的 n.容纳者,容器

prize [praiz]

    n.奖赏,奖金,奖品,捕获,捕获物,战利品 adj.得奖的 vt.珍视,估价,捕获,撬,撬开


诺贝尔奖得主亚伯特•米切尔森首次证明了菲索想法的可行性。Nobel prize winner albert michelson first proved phiseau's idea could work.上述附属于其国际运输业务取得的所得主要包括:Income derived from business attached to international transportation business shall mainly include:司仪:各位观众,cnn着名新闻主播兼艾美奖得主拉利•!Mc: ladies and gentlemen cnn's noted journalist and emmy award winner larry king!他是奥运会银牌得主。He's an olympic silver medallist.她是奥运会奖牌得主。She's an olympic medallist.我是优秀的全美普鲁斯特奖学金得主That I am the preeminent proust scholar in the united states.我听说欧洲冠军杯今年的得主是奥林匹克马赛队。But I heard that olympic marseille is the year's winner of champions cup.我怎样才能获得主文件?How do I access the master file?小组优胜者在决赛中决出奖旗得主。Divisional winners meet in the final to decide the pennant.这位诺贝尔物理学奖得主不费吹灰之力,便使难题迎刃而解。The nobel laureate physicist effortlessly made the complex simple.这样使得主线入水,同时,有助于增加竿子的抛投负荷。This will let your line set in the water and help you load your rod.

