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等同的英文翻译 等同英文怎幺说 等同的英文例句




    to equate
    equal to

equate [i'kweit]

    vt.使相等,[数]视为平等 vi.等同

equal [i:kw(ә)l]

    adj.相等的,均等的,胜任的,平静的,合适的,不相上下的 n.相等的事物(或数量),对手,匹敌,同辈 vt.等于,比得上


不等同的一类中其他所不能匹配的或不能相比的;无敌的Not matched or paralleled by others of its kind; unrivaled.不适合练瑜伽,瑜伽并不等同于体操。Yoga is not about stretching.不幸的是,你写得好的程度与你无知的程度是等同的Unfortunate this is about as well written as you are uninformed.力量等同二万顿黄色炸药With the power of20000tons of tnt.如果一个赖帐的朋友是个不好的消息,那幺碰到赖帐的子女等后辈或兄弟姐妹等同辈则情况更糟。If a deadbeat friend is bad news a deadbeat child or sibling can be even worse.在成熟分裂的前期父方染色体与母方同源染色体的等同的联会。The side by side pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes at the start of meiosis.


使...等同于 identify with

和...等同的 identical with

实质等同于已授于专利的装置 substantial equivalent of patented device

屈光等同 isometropia

等同 equate with

等同于 be identical with

等同週期 identity period?

等同的人类劳动 labor of equal quality

等同能选择 equiprobable choice

等同说 theory of identity

等同选择器 identity selector

