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剃鬚刀的英文翻译 剃鬚刀英文怎幺说 剃鬚刀的英文例句



[tì xū dāo]


razor [reizә(r)]

    n.剃刀 vt.剃


你获得了一个电动剃鬚刀!You have won an electric razor!你看见我的剃鬚刀了没?宝贝?You seen my cufflinks? Honey?请帮我把楼上房间里的电动剃鬚刀拿来。Please fetch me the electric shaver from the room upstairs.他的硬鬍子把剃鬚刀的刀口给弄钝了。His stiff beard turns the edge of the razor.我想买把电动剃鬚刀。I want to buy an electric shaver.一把符合欧洲联盟安全标準的电动剃鬚刀,An electric razor that meets the european union's safety standards有接电动剃鬚刀的变压器吗?Do you have a tranformer for my husband's electric razor?这个剃鬚刀可用电池或电源驱动。The shaver will run off batteries or mains.充电结束以后,从交流输出插座拔出电动剃鬚刀。After recharging is completed pull the shaver out of the ac outlet.假如是用剃鬚刀的话。If be the word with razor.将电动剃鬚刀轻贴面颊有须部位,向鬍鬚生长的逆向移动。Apply the shaver to your face lightly and work it against the grain of the beard.浴室里有供电动剃鬚刀用的电源插座。There is a power point for shaver in the bathroom.


剃鬚刀 beard clipper

可充电式剃鬚刀 rechargeable shaver

乾电池剃鬚刀 battery-operated dry shaver

旅行电动剃鬚刀 travelling electric shaver

电剃鬚刀 battery powered shaver

电动剃鬚刀 electric shaver

电子通用剃鬚刀 electronic universal shaving machine

电池剃鬚刀 battery shaver

飞利浦剃鬚刀 Philishave

飞利浦剃鬚刀 Philishave

