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提心的英文翻译 提心英文怎幺说 提心的英文例句



[tí xīn]


worry [wʌri]

    n.烦恼,忧虑,苦恼,撕咬 vt.使烦恼,使焦虑,使苦恼,撕咬,困扰,折磨 vi.烦恼,担心,撕咬,挣扎着前进


他总提心吊胆的,担心被人发现。The fear of being discovered was his constant companion.两面派永远过着提心吊胆的生活。Double agents live in a perpetual state of fear.金子在手,提心吊胆;钱财在手,危机四伏。When we have gold we are in fear when we have money we are in danger.儘管六年过去了,但是一架低空飞行的飞机或一辆从身边呼啸而过的救火车都能叫人提心吊胆。Six years on a low-flying plane or a speeding fire truck can make the heart pound.那小偷整天提心吊胆,怕被发现。The thief passed the day in fear of discovery.菩提生命:实修菩提心的重要方法。Life of bodhi: a very valuable practice of bodhicitta.去年她一直提心吊胆生怕失去工作The possibility of losing her job hangs over her like a sword of damocles all last year去年她一直提心吊胆生怕失去工作。The possibility of losing her job hung over her like a sword of damocles all last year.他们提心吊胆生怕遭到劫匪的袭击。They went in fear of attack by marauding bands.他走了进去,我们则提心吊胆地坐在汽车里等着。He went in while we waited on tenterhooks in the car.我提心吊胆地等着杰克叔叔告诉阿迪克斯我的理由。I waited on tenterhooks for uncle jack to tell atticus my side of it.


提心吊担 on tenterhooks

提心吊胆 be on tenterhooks; have one''s heart in one''s mouth

提心吊胆地 in fear and trembling

