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等速的英文翻译 等速英文怎幺说 等速的英文例句



[děng sù]

    uniform speed;constant velocity;constant speed

uniform [ju:nifɔ:m]

    adj.统一的,相同的,一致的,始终如一的,均衡的 n.制服 vt.使成一样,使穿制服

speed [spi:d]

    n.迅速,速度,速率 v.加快,速飞,飞跑

constant [kɔnstәnt]

    n.[数、物]常数,恒量 adj.不变的,持续的,坚决的

velocity [vi'lɔsiti]



计程车以中等速度转来转去, 希望能招揽到晚归的乘客。Taxis cruised about, hoping to pick up late fares.阿拉斯加的审查最好在开阔的地方以中等速度进行。The alaskan malamute is best judged on a loose lead at a moderate speed.每小时50英里的中等速度。A cruising speed of50miles per hour青年男性膝关节等速向心测力研究。Isokinetic concentric dynamometry of knee flexors and extensors in young male.球笼等速万向节的特性分析。Characteristic analysis of ball basket constant velocity.物体不受外力下,静者恒静,动者以等速度运动。Explain briefly newton's first law of motion?


中等速度 intermediate speed; moderate speed

以等速 at a constant speed; with constant speed

射流等速核 potential core of jet

改进等速运动轨迹 modified constant velocity motion curve这种运动轨迹的位移曲线由三段曲线光滑连接而成,中间一段为等速运动轨迹的位移曲线,首、末两段为其他运动轨迹的位移曲线。

等速 constant speed; uniform velocity

等速万向节 constant velocity universal joint

等速工况 cruising mode

等速度 conatant velocity; constant velocity

等速扫描 constant scanning

等速控制 constant speed control; constant velocity control

等速控制器 isodromic controller

等速流 uniform flow

等速电泳 isotachophoresis

等速肌力测定 isokinetic muscle strength test

等速蠕变 steady creep

等速运动 isokinetic exercise

等速运动轨迹 constant velocity motion curve从动件速度为定值的运动轨迹。

