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的站的英文翻译 的站英文怎幺说 的站的英文例句



[de zhàn]

    taxi station

taxi [tæksi]

    n.计程车 v.乘坐计程车

station [steiʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,岗位,地位,身份,...局,...站 vt.驻扎,配置


一只青绿色的小鹦鹉熟练的站在一条细树枝上盯着看。A lorikeet expertly balancing on a thin branch stared.应该是讲我是一个中文地狱之门网站的站长。。。。I am a stationmaster which gate of chinese topic the hell stands.白天在沙漠极其炎热的时候,他静止的站着,让他的主人在他的阴影下午睡。In the heat of a desert day he stands stock-still while his master naps in his shadow.红外套的人们已準备好要发射!她困难的站起并保持着寂静!The red-coats looked to their priming! She stood up strait and still!那幺要製作吸引人的和令人愉悦的网站需要做好哪几点呢?What does it take to have tempting and pleasurable sites?他括了两分钟洋火之后,猛的站了起来。After striking matches for two minutes he suddenly stood up.无法设置vss项目。您的网站被放置在内置的版本管理中。Unable to set vss project.your web has been placed under built-in source control.有今晚的站票吗?Are there any standing room tickets today?在指定的网站中找不到回应的exchange5。5伺服器。Unable to find a responsive exchange5.5server in the specified site.作恫吓姿势採取有威胁性的站姿To assume a threatening stance.


到达目的站 arrive at the point of destination

目的站 point of destination; station of destination

